Current Issue

2024: Volume 3, Issue 1

Consumption of Ultra-Processed Foods and Anthropometric Status of Adolescents in Umuahia North Local Government Area Abia State, Nigeria

Oguizu AD1,*, Udochukwu NC2

1Department of Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Medical Sciences, Rivers State University Nkpolu- Oroworukwo, Nigeria

2Department of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Nigeria

*Corresponding author: Dr. Ada Daisy Oguizu, Department of Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Medical Sciences, Rivers State University Nkpolu- Oroworukwo, P.M.B. 5080, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria, Phone: +2348038132055, E-mail: [email protected]

Received Date : March 31, 2024

Publication Date: June 14, 2024

Citation: Oguizu AD, et al. (2024). Consumption of Ultra-Processed Foods and Anthropometric Status of Adolescents in Umuahia North Local Government Area Abia State, Nigeria. Nutraceutical Res. 3(1):8.

Copyright: Oguizu AD, et al. © (2024).


Background: Ultra-Processed Foods are packaged formulations manufactured entirely from substance derived from foods and several additives. They are characterized by fatty, sugary, salty or energy-dense compounds. They appear palatable to consumers because of addition of substances like colorings, flavorings, sweeteners and emulsifiers. Objectives: The objectives of the study were to assess the consumption of ultra-processed foods and anthropometric status of adolescents in Umuahia North L. G. A, Abia State. Methods: A community based cross-sectional study was conducted with 420 adolescents randomly selected from six wards out of the twelve wards in Umuahia North L.G.A. Data on socioeconomic/demographic variables, anthropometric and food consumption were collected and analyzed using IBM statistical package for social sciences version 23. Results: The result showed that 51.4% of the adolescents studied were females, while 48.6% were males. About 64.0% of the adolescents were within the age range of 13-15years, while 30.2% were within the age range of 16-18years and 5.7% were above 19years. Instant noodles were consumed by 53.8% of the respondents sometimes. Most of the respondents (75.5%) consumed soft drinks from time to time. Packaged bread (50.0%), cakes (81.9%), and Breakfast cereals (62.5%), were consumed by the respondents from time to time. Some of them did not consume flavored yoghurt (22.1%), salted/sugar nuts (20.0%), hamburger (30.5%) and canned beer (31.2%). About 35.5% of the respondents were underweight. Underweight was more prevalent among females (39.8%), than males (31.1%). About 5.2% of the respondents were overweight, while 1.9% was obese. The Chi-square result show there was a significant relationship p<0.05 between body mass index and consumption of candy, canned meat, canned vegetables, margarine/spreads, sausages and chips by the respondents. Conclusion: There was a moderate consumption of ultra-processed foods among the adolescents. Some of respondents were on the borderline of overweight and obesity. There is need to increase awareness on the importance of consumption of wholesome and natural foods among adolescents.

Keywords: Anthropometric Status, Adolescents, Ultra-Processed Foods, Abia State, Nigeria

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